WELCOME to the Official Blog of the 2010 National Amateur, held from June 20-26, brought
to you by the Retriever News, written by Vickie Lamb with photos by the same, and sponsored by Purina, Avery and Alliant Powder. We hope you enjoy these multi-
daily updates on our prestigious championship event, held this year in Klamath Falls, Oregon. Please note from time to time we may
experience coverage issues depending on the availability of signal at test sites. Enjoy your stay and come back often!

Previous Posts
Friday, June 18, 2010
Friday June 18, 2010
Welcome to this year's BLOG coverage of the prestigious National Amateur Retriever Championship, held in areas around beautiful Klamath Falls, Oregon. While the Klamath area can be difficult to navigate to by air or by land, the surrounding beauty seems to make up for travel woes.
In my case a very long travel day commenced at 3 a.m. on the 17th and ended about midnight at headquarters. A full slate of action looms ahead!
Friday activities included re-acclimation to the area and a search for available training groups, up to an hour-plus drive into varying types of terrain. Retriever News Editor-In-Chief Dennis Bath, Managing Editor Tina Ebner and yours truly set out to access training by camera lens. During the course of our travels, a very special little eating joint named Running Bear was discovered in Sprague River, Oregon--closed Saturdays--tiny but very clean, a limited menu but great fresh choices.
Please check back later to view uploaded training and area photos on this page for your enjoyment as we continue to prepare our coverage of this event.
A view of surrounding background as we approached a training group at T-12.
Jimmy and Debbie Darnell's Diamond "peeks" out from under the holding blind. She's anxious to get the show on the road.
Here's a pretty close-up view of the currents in some of the irrigation channels; rivers and creeks in this area offer currents as well. Flowing water can present significant challenges to dogs not used to this added swimming distraction, so handlers are anxious to introduce their dogs to this influence while others remind their dogs of it.
Sometimes a few words convey a big message.
Lanier Fogg and #14, "Dash", wait patiently for their chance to train.
Sharon Gierman launches her dog for the last bird of the training setup.
To Our Sponsors

1. FC-AFC Ebonstar Gotta Zoom, LM
2. FC-AFC Bayou Teche Miah, LF
3. FC-AFC Rebel Ridges Whistlin' Dixie, LF
4. FC-AFC Miles' Hank The Duck Dog, LM
5. FC Howln Duck's Black Cadillac, LF
6. AFC Trumarc's Whistling Bird, LF
7. AFC Tiger's Mischief Rebel, LM
8. Tenspot, LM
9. FC-AFC Mercy Mercy Mercy Me, LF
10. FC Jazztime Empty Wallet, LM
11. AFC Twinbranch Pilgrim's Pride, LM
12. NAFC-FC Hawkeye's Coast Guard, LM
13. AFC Carbons Blue Pursuit, LM
14. AFC Ida Red's Atalanta Challenge MH, GF
15. FC-AFC Cody Cut A Lean Grade, LM
16. Bro's Counterfeit Folly, GF
17. FC-AFC Taylorlab Calumet's Big Blue, LM
18. AFC Kimber VIII, LF
19. FC-AFC Wood River's Franchise, LM
20. AFC WRS Bugs Black Mist, LF
21. AFC Raymarc's National Aspirations, LM
22. FC-AFC Jazztime Hanging Chad, LM
23. FC-AFC Just Add Water II, LM
24. Citori's No Holds Barred, LF
25. FC-AFC Bayou-Star Beyond Independent, LF
26. AFC Whisp Of Carbon, LF
27. Sureshot's TKO, LM
28. FC-AFC Vinwood's Don't Look Ethel, LF
29. FC-AFC Otter Creek's TLK of the TWN, LM
30. FC-AFC Nebo's Grandma Ruby, LF
31. AFC Dominator's High Spade, LM
32. FC-AFC-CFC-CAFC Jazztime Last Chance v Pekisko, LM
33. FC-AFC Marauders Aviator, LM
34. FC-AFC Eva-Ethyl Proby-Weber, LF
35. Watermark's Shadow Dancer, LF
36. AFC Tippecanoes Riverwalk Grunt, LM
37. FC-AFC TNT's Det-A-Nator, LM
38. FC-AFC Tartan Prime Time, LM
39. FC Way-Da-Go Call Of The Wild, LM
40. Sara's Blue Streak, LM
41. Star Spangled Girl II MH, LF
42. FC Candlewood's Rammin Catcher, LF
43. FC-AFC Sandhills Game Over, LM
44. AFC Black Magic's Woody Too, LM
45. Hoot N Holler, LM
46. FC-AFC Wild Chase for Blue, LM
47. FC-AFC Wolf Creek CR Skeeter, LM
48. AFC Shadowpines Chabasco, LM
49. FC-AFC Land Ahoy, LM
50. Hilltop's High Society, LF
51. FC-AFC Landover's Right On Target, LM
52. FC-AFC Northern Dancer II, LM
53. Longshot Striker, LF
54. FC-AFC Robb's Mia Hambone, LF
55. FC-AFC CJ's Mister T, LM
56. FC Delpond's Pink Champagne, LF
57. FC-AFC Watuaga's Bull Gator, LM
58. FC-AFC Fat City Pacer, LM
59. AFC Calumet's Mein Soupster, LM
60. FC-AFC Coolwaters Hurricane Alley, LF
61. FC-AFC Fourleaf's Ice Breaker, LM
62. Lanes Lets Get Ready To Rumble, LM
63. FC-AFC Lil Mac's Black River Rabbit MH, LF
64. DC-AFC Genny's Yakity Yak Don't Talk Back MH, CF
65. Q-P's Wiretap, LF
66. FC-AFC Talkeetna River Teak MH, LM
67. FC-AFC Hanna's Eye Of The Tiger, LF
68. FC-AFC Freeridin Smooth Operator, LF
69. AFC Wing Magic's Louisiana Roux MH, LM
70. FC-AFC Joey's Zoom Zoom, LM
71. FC-AFC Trumarc's Stormin Norman II, LM
72. Lucky If He Makes It, LM
73. FC-AFC Volwood's Big Ol' Rex, LM
74. FC-AFC Bayou Bays Bodago, LM
75. FC-AFC Wildwings Girl's Best Friend, LF
76. AFC Tequilla's Hot Tamale, LF
77. FC-AFC Small Craft Advisory, LM
78. AFC Glen Lake Black Kirsty MH, LF
79. FC-AFC Freeridin Vampire Slayer, LF
80. AFC Contrails Bird Strike MH, LF
81. FC-AFC Dixie City Jam II, LM
82. AFC Haney Hill Trapper, LM
83. FC-AFC Rebel Ridge's Devils Luck MH, LF
84. AFC Citori's Vista 40th Pres, LF
85. Dreamer's Diamond Solitaire, LF
86. Foxfires Lakoda Warrior, LM
87. FC-AFC Pure Labs Skys The Limit, LM
88. FC-AFC Lacy's Lucky Ladd, LM
89. FC-AFC Volwood's Angel, LF
90. Huntersbest Sapphire Jubilee, LF
91. AFC Freeridin Maserati, LM
92. Un Petit Peu Canaille, LF
93. Valley Home No Fear, LM
94. AFC World Famous Rosa Barks, LF
95. AFC Buck N Hi Buttons, LF
96. FC-AFC My Name Is Bocephus, LM
97. Waquoit Bay's Lone Arranger, LM
98. Chances R On The Road Again, LF
99. FC-AFC Citori's Accept No Substitute, LF
100. AFC Go Margo, LF
101. AFC Savvy Sailor, LM
102. AFC Suncrest Wild Oats, LM
103. FC-AFC Wine Glass Lucky Strike, LM
104. AFC Rockliffs Dakota Wrangler, LM
105. FC-AFC Trumarc's L'il Ms Pogo, LF
106. NFC-AFC Candlewood's Something Royal, LF
107. AFC Dotty's Cruisen Mach-Three, LM
108. AFC Hunter Runs BooBoo, LM
109. FC-AFC Great Bunns Of Fire, LF
110. FC-AFC Lake Country Sunshine, LM
111. FC-AFC Iron Lines Honcha, LF
112. FC-AFC Drove My Chevy To The Levee, LM
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